Robo R1+
Everything Robo R1+!
Helpful Resources
Getting Started
- What's in the box
- Register your Robo R1+
- Unboxing the Robo R1+
- Initial printer setup
- Installing the required software
- Connecting your Robo R1+ to MatterControl
- Replacing the heater core and thermistor on your R1+ hotend
- Installing New R1+ Heatbed (V2)
- Replacing print bed V1 with V2
- Things to check before every print
- Cleaning the hobbed bolt (filament feeder gear)
- Cleaning the print bed surface
- MatterControl Index
- R1+ RAMPS Board Wiring Diagram
- Controls
- Adjusting temperatures
- Loading files on MatterControl
- Setting your Z-Offset
- Troubleshooting INDEX (R1+)
- Replacing hobbed bolt
- Misaligned R1+ Z-axis
- Filament Latch Adjustment
- Extruder motor malfunction
- Clogged Hotend R1+ Plus
Contact Us