Robo R2 Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting INDEX (R2)
- Black screen on start up
- Checking R2 bed pogo pin functionality
- Clogged extruder
- Error - Connection interrupted
- Error - EEPROM CRC Mismatch
- Error - Filament runout
- Error - Thermal Runaway
- Extruder not heating up
- Fine tuning the Z-Offset
- Gantry alignment
- Gantry clicking sound
- Grinding noise when starting a print
- Hotend cover is falling off
- Hotend falling out
- IR Sensor Basic QC
- IR Sensor QC: Repeatability test
- Material not extruding
- Motor turning but filament not moving
- Print bed pogo pin connection replacing
- Print not sticking to bed Robo R2
- Replacing the door on your R2
- Replacing your MicroSD
- Screen goes unresponsive or doesn't work
- Servicing Extruder Assembly
- Shifting layers/bad print quality
- Z-limit switch replacing