Look below for the problem that best describes what you are experiencing. The article title in the tables below will link to the listed article, which contains helpful tips and solutions for each issue.
'Extruder not heating up'
Tips & Links
The electronics board on top of your extruder is called the "Uptown board" and the one below your extruder is called the "Downtown board". Using this guide, make sure all cables are properly plugged into the right place. |
Make sure the extruder power is all the way into its socket on the Mainboard. Use the R2 Wiring Diagram to locate the terminal and double check the connection. |
Always make sure your printer is up to date. |
'Filament not extruding'
Tips & Links
If your Z-Offset is set too low, filament will not be able to escape the nozzle. Use this guide to properly set it on your R2. |
The gear in the extruder can build up residue over time. When this happens, the gear is unable to properly grip the filament and drive it through. Follow this guide to clean your feeder gear. |
Filament sometimes gets jammed or solidifies inside the extruder preventing new filament from being driven through. Follow this guide to help you unclog your extruder. |
Check your slicing settings
There are various slicing programs. Whichever one you use, make sure you're correctly setting the extruder temperature and bed to the temperatures recommended for your filament. |
Your extruder may not be holding temperature as intended. Every extruder performs a little differently. PID Tuning will help you dial in your settings unique to your extruder. These settings will help stabilize the temperature of your extruder, and aid in preventing future clogs. |
'Prints not sticking or Air Printing'
Tips & Links
If your Z-Offset is set too high, you'll have bed adhesion problems. If your Z-Offset is too low, filament won't be able to escape the nozzle. |
Bed Calibration (Wizard)
On the touchscreen, there is a Bed Calibration Wizard under Utilities. This wizard will help you adjust your thumbscrews to create a more level bed. |
The FTZO Wizard will help you visually see the Z-Offset. You can increase or decrease the Z-Offset in small increments and then print a line to test it. Always make sure you run the Z-Offset Wizard before the FTZO Wizard. |
Check your slicing settings
There are various slicing programs. Whichever one you use, make sure you're correctly setting both the extruder and bed to the recommended temperatures for your filament. Also make sure your fans are not turning on during the first few layers to encourage adhesion. |
'Clicking noise within gantry or my prints are shifting'
Tips & Links
The pulleys attached to the rods may be rubbing up against the flange bearings that are embedded into the plastic gantry top. Follow this guide to print and create a small clip to create a space between the two. |
The rods in your gantry sometimes become misaligned due to shipping or normal use. This may also solve prints with an obvious skew. Follow this guide to print some tools that will help square up your gantry. |
The 6 mm rods that hold your extruder assembly can slide laterally. This sometimes results in a grinding noise from the rods rubbing up against the sides of your printer. Follow this guide to realign them. |
Make sure that your rods, bearings and lead screw are always well lubricated. Follow this guide to keep your axes moving smoothly.
'Bed not heating up or bed disconnect'
Tips & Links
If you have a pogo pin version of the heated bed, the pogo pins themselves can burn out. Follow this guide to check the health of your pogo pins. |
Always make sure your printer is up to date. |
Locate the bed power plugs and the thermistor using the Wiring Diagram and make sure they are properly connected to the Mainboard. Check sure the bed cable is securely plugged into the pogo pin board (V1) or directly to the bed (V2). |
'Auto Level not working'
Tips & Links
Check your IR sensor to see if it is functioning properly. The IR sensor attached to the back of the extruder assembly handles auto leveling. |
Always make sure your printer is up to date. |
Locate the bed power plugs and the thermistor using the Wiring Diagram and make sure they are properly connected to the Mainboard. |
Bed Calibration (Wizard)
If your printer seems to print find at one corner, but not the others you might need to calibrate your bed. Use the Bed Calibration wizard on your printer to adjust the thumbscrews to level your bed. Afterwards, rerun the Z offset wizard. |
'Screen: Black/White/Unresponsive'
Tips & Links
If your screen is black on startup, that means its not booting properly. Use this guide to check the HDMI connection and other solutions. Be sure to check the HDMI connection on the back of the screen as well. |
The cables feeding into the LCD screen sometimes come loose. Follow this guide to help you locate the correct cables and try reinserting them . |
If you've received a new MicroSD Card follow this guide to help you replace it. |
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