Reporting an issue with the app
Your feedback is welcome! We are always striving to improve the app's performance and experience. If at any time you have an issue with using the app or just have general questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the app, please report it to the Robo team.
Select the menu icon in the top left corner and select 'Report an issue' from the menu list.
This will bring up a pre-populated email addressed to the Robo customer support and engineering teams.
Please add as much detail to your report as possible. This will help us better understand and investigate your issue.
Some examples of helpful information to include are
- Current version of the Robo app you are using (found at the bottom of the left menu list)
- If reporting a bug, include a detailed description of the steps that trigger the error as well as the occurrence of the error (does it happen every time or intermittently)
- If the app did not perform as expected, include what you expected to happen versus what actually did happen
- Any other background information relevant to your questions, comments, suggestions, etc.
Thank you!
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