Both RoboCloud and RoboPrint can read .stl files, but RoboPrint can read many more file types. It can read the following file types. STL, OBJ, .g, .gcode, JPG, JPEG, PNG, 3MF, FPP
If you bring in a 2D image such as a jpeg or png, it will create a displacement map of that image onto a shape such as a plane, tube, or sphere. For more information on this process, open RoboPrint 5 and click on “Help” and then “Help Contents” to view the full user guide or download it from our User Guide help article. We also briefly touch on this process in our RoboPrint Deep Dive video.
If you are using the old RoboPrint, this menu is at the top. If you are using the new RoboPrint 5, the button is on the right-hand side. We recommend downloading the newest RoboPrint at
The new RoboPrint has a green icon instead of a blue one.
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