You may follow the pictures/text instructions or the attached video.
This video walks you through various troubleshooting steps for a clogged nozzle on your Robo E3 Pro. You may not need to follow all of the steps as your clog may release with some of the first options. We start with the easiest unclogging steps and get progressively more complicated.
If you are just looking to replace the nozzle, skip to minute 4.
Tools that May be Required:
- Unclogging Tool (or paperclip)
- Lighter
- 2mm Allen Wrench
- Wire Cutters/Needle Nose Pliers with Wire Cutter
- Phillips head Screwdriver
- Pliers (2 pairs, not needle nose)
- Spare Nozzle
Step 1) Using the Unclogging tool
- Find the unclogging tool that came with your tool kit of the E3 Pro 3d printer
- Take the filament tube out of its location and set to the side
- Preheat your nozzle and wait for it to heat up
- Using the unclogging tool, firmly press down through the filament path and push out any excess filament that may be in the way of new filament trying to extrude
- Now, try to load filament into the nozzle. If it does not seem to be unclogged, move to step 2
Step 2) Motor Disassembly
- Unscrew the 3 Allen head screws on your extruder assembly to take off the extruder cover. Circled in red below:
- Now, pull strait up on the black casing to reveal the extruder assembly.
- On the right and left hand sides, just below the green electronics board, you will see two Allen head screws that you will need to unscrew. Pictures to show location below:
- Now, once these 2 screws are unscrewed, you should be able to move the motor back with your hand
- From here, you will be able to see the top of the nozzle, as well as inside the motor gear. There may be filament either stuck in the nozzle, which you can grab with some tweezers and pull out. Make sure to heat up the nozzle when trying to pull this out or push it through the nozzle to clear up.
- It should look like this after filament has been removed.
- It should look like this after filament has been removed.
- There may also be filament stuck inside the motor drive gear like this. Take some tweezers and make sure you get this filament debris out of the way, which may be causing the blockage.
- It should be clear of any debris after the filament is removed
- It should be clear of any debris after the filament is removed
- Now, screw the motor in with the two screws from disassembly.
- Slip the extruder cover back on and reattach it with the 3 screws.
- Now, you should be all set and ready to print once again.
Step 3) Nozzle Replacement
- If it is still jammed, follow the video at the top of the page to replace the nozzle. Your printer would have come with a spare nozzle in the bag of accessories and parts.
I need a tutorial on how to replace the bed leveling sensor. I see the top of it but it keeps rubbing against the bed when printing. Won’t flip up out of the way after bed leveling. Help
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