Updating the R1+ firmware with Arduino
Updating and customizing firmware on your printer is fairly easy with the Arduino software.
Beginner/intermediate Windows or Mac experience may be necessary
I. Download firmware for your printer
II. Prepare to upload
Arduino is free to download from www.arduino.cc
Note: Use 1.6.9 - Arduino 1.6.10+ has an error compiling our firmware.
- Please download and install Arduino software.
- Download the firmware for your printer from the links above.
- You will need to find the file path for where arduino is looking for sketchbooks, open the arduino software.
- Go to File > Preferences, and make note of the sketchbook location on the top of the preferences window ( by default in Windows it is C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Arduino )
- Navigate to the Zip file you downloaded, open it
- Extract the contents in the Zip file and put it where your arduino software is looking for sketchbooks from Step 4.
Note: It's important to extract the zip file into the Arduino sketchbook folder and NOT into the library folder. This will cause an error during compiling
III. Uploading the firmware (or flashing the Arduino).
- Make sure your computer is connected to the printer via USB cable. You can leave the power cord unplugged for this procedure.
- Do not connect Repetier, Matter Control or any other software system to your printer.
- Close all arduino Instances and Restart the arduino software.
- Under Tools choose Board and then "Arduino mega 2560"
- Under Tools choose Port and choose the option associated with your printer (will probably be the only option, if not, unplug your printer and see which option goes away).
- Under File, choose sketchbook, and then choose "Your Firmware Name".
- Note: You may need to restart the Arduino software for it to see the new sketchbook you added
- Now hit the upload button in the Arduino software. This is the green arrow pointing to the right at the top of the Arduino software window.
- When the firmware is finished uploading, the Arduino software will say “Done Uploading"
You are all done! Your software should confirm the updated firmware and your good to go.
IV. Troubleshooting
Most errors during this process happen from the extracted zip being in the wrong spot, selecting the wrong board or port. Also our R1/R1+ firmware is not compatible with Arduino 1.6.10+ Please use 1.6.9 - This will be corrected soon.
Downloads Here:
Hi All, I just ran into the same errors using the Arduino 1.8.12 software which is coming up as the recommended down load version at this point in time.
The answer posted at https://reprap.org/forum/read.php?146,691608 by Alexandria_Al of doing a search and replace of "fpos_t" to "fpost" solves the compilation errors and the firmware uploads successfully.
The R1+ link is a dead link. Is there a new link somewhere for firmware download?
Arduino is on 1.8.5 and I was using it to do TeensyLC development, but had to uninstall to downgrade to 1.6.9 for this. When will this sketch be updated to a modern version of Arduino?!?
Hi Chuck. We recognize this version is old because the firmware only compiles on the earlier version. We are working on an update to get this aligned with the current release. Thanks for the comment!
Going to try it thank you.
Thanks for the summary, Jim. That worked for me!
Bruce Campbell - I have file ROBO3DPLUSR1PLUSV2.zip
The files are from 2016. I think they are the original firmware.
If you want the files, send me your email to kg4nxt@arrl.net
Bruce Campell
The download just doesn't work with chrome. I was able to downloaded with microsoft edge.
hola amigo hay una vercion firmware 2023 para robo R1?
Do you know why they don't just post a HEX file so you don't need to compile it? But thank you Jim Turcott for the search and replace of "fpos_t" to "fpost", that fixed it for me too!
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